National Trust of South Australia lights up our National Heritage and presents a Family Fun NIGHT LIGHTS LANTERN FETE

Our intention is to highlight the Moonta Mines Museum (formally the Moonta Mines School) and bring to you heritage in a fun and informal way.

We jumped at the opportunity to partner with the Copper Coast Council to present its inaugural F.L.A.M.E Festival Friday 27th, Saturday 28th, Sunday 29th May 2022.

Come along to the Moonta Mines Museum on Saturday 28th May and join in the fun. Play old fashioned games in the quadrangle, see the Museum lit up and our wonderful schools have joined us and we will present a Lantern Fete Parade featuring lanterns made by the local school children.

There will be plenty of food available for purchase, and entertainment featuring Krank it Dance Group and the Funny Farmers. There will be a “mosh pit” for the children to dance and bust some moves in front of the stage.

Lots of fun. Bring your own chair and rug up as the event will be held in the Moonta Mines Museum Car Park.

Play some old-fashioned games like hula hoop, skittles, quoits, skipping, hopscotch, sack races, tik tak to in the quadrangle of the old school grounds.